Saturday, July 5, 2008

Last night .....

....was nice. That sweet sixteen was visually stunning , pink & purple shit everywhere ; really cute. It was masquerade themed (played out) but it was protrayed really nicely. It was in Brooklyn @ Sterner Studios. We got there during the cocktail hour ..i beasted on the mini burgers like a fat ass. The birthday girl finally came out in a balloon. YES , a balloon...that shit popped and she came out of it . Never seen that before haha. Then everyone went downstairs to the reception room. I got so tight when i realized that i wasnt seated next to my parents. They were table 20 and i was table 8 -_- The organizer said that the birthday girl "wants all the teens to sit together" wtf ? ...okay whatev, i went to my table and sat there . in silence , between two strangers. fun time right ?! But yeah the girl came out again like as a magic trick thingy . that was cool. We could see the fireworks from outside through out the night . I ate sooo fucking much. I took alot of masks home...i'm thinking of how i can incorporate them to my room in some way . i'll see.

My mother.

The fireworks.

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