Sunday, August 24, 2008

Fuck Personality.

i totally agree with this video. Most people now a days do say that they're real when in reality, they're just following a trend. In the video, he says that he knew what "real" was before Avril, before 2002. Now, it's 2008 and your realness ,to some people, is determined by how many sneakers you have , how much weed you smoke, the people you chill with, etc. Now ask yourself...did you consider yourself "real" before or after you became a hypebeast ? That's just one question of many. Some people ARE fake. Their personalities? absolute bullshit. I believe that it is truly rare to totally know every aspect of a person's personality. People these days try to portray themselves as "REAL" & "NOT HYPE" on shit like myspace or whatever. Get a clue and give up. Personality IS indeed merely presentation, and people tend to bullshit on their's so be aware.

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